Friday, December 28, 2007

First Trip to Tahoe...

But definitely not our last!

Ethan had so much fun in Tahoe. He spent lots of time with his friend Sam, Sam's cousin Benji, and a new friend Samson (Ethan's finally not the youngest).

We had fun in the snow and Ethan behaved very well. Dad went skiing, Mom went snowshoeing, and Ethan hung out in the Bjorn on nice walks in the snow. He didn't seem to mind the cold weather. In fact, I think the fresh air made him sleep even better.

He also tried some sweet potato and avocado. So far, sweet potato is winning, but we're hoping to try bananas tomorrow... He's still learning, but will hopefully be a good eater in no time. Enjoy the pictures from Tahoe. Lots more on other cameras that I will get shortly as well.

Happy New Year everyone!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Visit from Safta and Saba

Ethan had a great visit with his grandparents. He was in a much better state of mind than their last visit (at 3 months). We played, we walked, we talked, and we ate... Ethan even ate - well, just some oatmeal, but he definitely likes it better than rice cereal. Ethan showed off his 2 new bouncers - the doorway jumper and the bouncing station that Mom-Mom gave him for Hanukkah. He loves both and is now addicted to the bouncing motion and likes to even bounce in our laps...

Now that he's 6 months (today!), his personality is really shining through. He has a fierce independent streak and thinks he's much older than he really is. When he couldn't sit up, that was all he wanted to do and now that he can sit up, he only wants to stand :) It's a bit frustrating (for him and us), but I think it comes with the territory, especially because he spends a lot of time with his buddy Roman who just turned 1. He doesn't understand why he can't walk if Roman can, etc. It's very cute...

Well, we're off to Tahoe for a little snow (can't wait to see Ethan's reaction if there is one) and hopefully some relaxing. We could all use a little of that.

Click here for some pics from last weekend. And stay tuned for some cute pics from our upcoming trip. Happy 6 months to Ethan.....and Happy New Year to our friends & family.

Monday, December 10, 2007

A Weekend with Friends

We had another great weekend. Friday night Mom and Dad went to Dad's holiday party and Ethan behaved very well for his babysitter, Elise. Saturday we went to Lorie, Ron and Noah's to light the Hanukkah candles and Mom and Dad had dinner with their friends while Noah and Ethan slept soundly. Ethan is still doing great at sleeping in a pack and play somewhere and then being transfered to his crib a bit later at night. We try not to do it too often, but he really doesn't seem to mind.

Sunday was our big playgroup holiday brunch and you can see Ethan and his 6 friends in the pictures. He had a great time which unfortunately isn't reflected in the pics :) I swear -- that was the only time he cried the whole time we were there... Oh well. It was a chain reaction with his friend Zoe crying and most other babies joining in shortly. We finished the weekend with the Hanukkah candles last night. Ethan really likes the singing.

This morning Mom signed Ethan up for swimming lessons starting in January. We can't wait!

Enjoy the pictures.

Monday, December 3, 2007

More Milestones

Just a quick post to update you on Ethan's busy week. He now has 'almost' 2 teeth. His bottom 2 teeth are coming in - 1 is more than the other, but he's very shy about showing us, so we can't tell how far they've come.

He's also sitting up by himself for quite a while. He lasts a few minutes and then topples over, but he'll be doing it longer in no time.

He had a great weekend playing with his friend Sam. They're very cute together.

Check out the recent pics of him sitting up, eating cereal, and playing with Sam. Enjoy!

Have a great week.